• Letters to Stanford


3 6 H P M

St. George's Day '74

My dear Derek,

Many thanks for yrs of 21st.

I see that epistular x been wafted across xx the Irish Sea and have
infected you with R.G.'s disease. You say you
enclosed Armstrong's letter but I xxxxxxx cdn't
find it. Not that it causes me much pain NOT
to read Robt Armstrong's prose. Yr reply I have
read with interest and enjoyment. I agree that
lover judge “are not quite the same thing”,
though perhaps judicious lovers and loving
judges may be found (hey,Diogenes,lend me your
lamp!).I note the reference to R.G. and apprec-
iate why it's better not to name him or quote
him on the “Homeric happening”. The letter is a
masterpiece of sly hints and velvet-gloved
blows. Even yr last sentence.'

Freddy has sent me a card from Looe and he
rang last night when I wasn't here. He's re-
turning on Wednesday evg (tomorrow) and says
he will phone. I'm sure Paul A enjoyed hearing
the latest episode. We'll see what we shall see,
and I suppose I'll have to listen to Mary Hayes
on Ulsterian politics. I feel like W.B.Y. about
his/my “fool-driven land”. How goes the weather?
Yes,refrain from “The O'Rahilly”.

Yes,May 8 in V and A is fine. I finish at

x epistolary?

1974 Apr 23rd
Ulster, W.B. Yeats
LHL, "GreacenStanford109", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 02/11/2025 - 21:59, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford109?page=2