• Letters to Stanford


No. 27 P.G

29. 3. 77
replied: 3 Apl.77

My dear Derek

I'm sorry I couldn't get along to the
party until fairly late because of work.
What a big crowd! I couldn't find you or
Peggie when I was leaving. You were obviously
like I was last Sunday - trying to have a
word with everybody.

Poor old Wrey fell over a table. I had a
good chat with him and he seemed to have
recovered allright.

I stuck to bitter lemon,xxxxx so I got
home safely. Pernod est pour les autres.

Sorry to hear that Bernard Stone had been so
ill. No doubt worry over losing his Church
Walk premises made things worse.

I notice that ycur publisher,x unlike
Allan Prior's wasn't handing out copies right xx
and left. I'd be grateful if you would jog
their memory about sending me a copy although
I hope to get it from B.B.N. (Gillian is
good about sending me books but not those I
ask for.)

Very much appreciated your presence
last Sunday evening. Love to you both -

P.S. To Stuttgart on Friday. I'll be back the

1977 Mar 29th
LHL, "GreacenStanford271", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Fri, 02/14/2025 - 12:03, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford271