• Letters to Stanford


3 6 H P M

17 Apr 74
replied: 21 Apl.

My dear Derek,

Many thanks for yrs of Good Friday.

Yes, “the other hand” was W.B.Y.; It’s
“The O’Rahilly” frcm “Last Poems“, p.354 in
COLLECTED POEMS. I’ve got the 1958 edn that
belonged to Clifford D. - sometimes with
interesting notes by C.D.

Interesting news about Jack B - “where
the swift Bermudas ride“ - I quote from
memory. Also about Whittington-Egan and yr
Latvian ex-student.

Last night I met Freddy V and his new
lady friend,an Ulster Protestant, xxxxx,at
L.G.'s. Freddy has put on an appalling xxxxxxx
amount of weight. When he was out of the room
she told us he was drinking very heavily when
she met him - still is,but she has tried to cut
it a bit. She’s a typical Prod of the less
educated sort - thinks Paisley is a great man
and forthright in opinions. F could do a lot xxx
worse. They’re off to Cornwall where F’s xxxxxxx
ancestors hail from. The case cost him £2,000,
according to his friend - and he’s been at his
old game of spending money like water. A
strange character.

The Minister of Edn in N.I. has not
replied to my onslaught but there was a reply
yesterday by Michael Longley stating the facts.
I’ve forced some information out into daylight
- there's a bursary pool of £5,000 p.a. for

1974 Apr 17th
LHL, "GreacenStanford106", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Fri, 02/14/2025 - 12:17, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford106