• Boyd Letters



55 Northern Ireland.

3rd February 1981

Mr. Jiri Svoboda,
ViSneva 6,
800 CO Bratislava,

Dear r. Svoboda,

Thank you very much tor your New Year's Card. I was glad to learn that
THE FLATS was popular. I enclose a copy of THE FARM, in addition to a
publicity note. This play was very successful in Ireland. It will
probably oe published here during the summer. I send it to you because
it has an interest for both urban and rural viewers. There is a more local
dialect in it, but not very much. For example, the word 'window' is written
as 'winda'; and 'never' as 'niver'. I don't think, however, a translator
would have too many difficulties, but if there are any problems I would be
pleased to interpret a list given to me.

Like all my plays it has, I think, a strong social and political intent^
Although I have said it is of interest to rural and urban viewers, the
principal theme is about the struggle for the land. This theme is, of
course, a universal one. In each of my plays i select an aspect of the
social struggle, my intention being to illuminate it fron the point of
view of a socialist playwright.

I should be glad to have your opinion of THE FARM. If it is not suitable,
perhaps I should give you a synopsis of some of my other plays, so that
you may have a better idea of the Kind of play that is most suitable.

With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,

(John Boyd)

John Boyd
1981 Feb 3rd
Flats, Popular
Linen Hall Library, "Boyd103", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Sat, 01/25/2025 - 22:57, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/boyd103