• Boyd Letters


17th March 1954.

Dear St.John,

The first night is over, and i think it was
reasonably successful. Anyway there was a full
house and the play was given a very good reception.

The general impression is that it is a good play
but the final act Is unsatisfactory. Everything
went wrong with Act Three: it played for only
17 minutes, and ended with an abrupt curtain.

I think the production is good, but there were
all sorts of roughnesses in the playing. Unlike
you, i have little experience of first nights so I
am a bad judge of them.

I have seen two criticisms: The Whig, which is
a long one and rather unfavourable, and The Telly which
I am posting to you,

I was not able to go to the rehearsals because
the BBC sent me on a rush job over the last week-end to
London. I wish it had been next week-end and we could
have had a chat. T will give you any further comments
as they come along. I am enclosing a copy of the
programme also.

With best wishes,

Dr. St. John Ervine,
The Savile Club,
69 Brook Street,

John Boyd
1954 Mar 17th
B.B.C, London
Linen Hall Library, "Boyd015", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Wed, 02/12/2025 - 10:43, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/boyd015