• Letters to George and Mercy McCann


The British Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasting House, London, W.1
Telegrams and cables: Broadcasts, Telex, London – International Telex: 22182
Telephone: Langham 4468

Feb 12
Dearest Mercy, In great haste – rushing back to see George. Herewith a cheque (easily covered by New Statesman fee). George has just today for the first time met Mary who came up from Berkhamsted where she's been tending to her sick son and coping with the batty old folks. What was a pity was that she was in “a state” which only happens about twice a year but, when it does, it really is a state. But, I don't think George, not knowing her, noticed it so much. The match, though sad, was a very good spectacle. Much love – Louis.

Louis MacNeice
1962 Feb 12th
Linen Hall Library, "MacNeice038", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Thu, 01/23/2025 - 14:08, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/macneice038