• Deirdre


Which confidence, which bond of social life,
Is bred in some of just experience,
Of oaths and terror of the Gods in some,
But, in the most, of natural honesty
That God has planted in the breast of man,
Thereby distinguishing him from the beasts.
And where I find it, ground it as it may,
In use, religion, or mere manliness,
There do I love, revere, and cherish it.
And since these courteous, brave young gentlemen
Have taken it on their honor and their truth
To hold us harmless, though we near the gates
Of one who bears me great and just ill-will,
I'll trust them wholly ; nor affront their faith
With any scrupulous, unhandsome show
Of base suspicion, diffidence, or fear.
Drive on to Eman, therefore. Rightward drive.
It is my will, and I will have it so.

Nurse Levarcam, rememberest thou the time
We sat together on that hill we see
There where the sky-line has a streak of gray.
And snow was on the ground ?

Aye, well indeed
Do I remember, darling ; it was there
Thou sawest him first, and said the sifted snow
Was hardly fairer

He has frowned on me
Thrice, now, who never frowned on me before.
Yet am I prouder to be ruled by him,
And, for that noble justice of his mind,

Eman, Noble, Justice
Linen Hall Library, "Ferg058", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 02/11/2025 - 21:04, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/ferg058